What are you looking for in
a registrar?
Our clients tell us they value our unparalleled
EMS expertise, responsive customer support, excellent
value, and international recognition. SWISSCERT invested
early in the EMS standards process to better understand
the implementation and interpretation issues important
to our clients.
Our EMS auditor qualifications are among the highest
in the industry. Our auditor will be an environmental
professional who understands the challenges facing an
organization. Immediately after receiving your registration
application, SWISSCERT will provide an experienced lead
auditor for assessment of your entire Environmental
Management System. SWISSCERT auditors are conveniently located across
the country and the world and represent experience in
all major industries (service and manufacturing).
If your organization is implementing ISO 14001 registration
in addition to your quality registration, SWISSCERT offers
combined ISO 9001/14001 registration services. Coordinated
ISO 9001/14001 audits are individually tailored to meet
your company's needs and minimize disruptions to your
The credibility behind SWISSCERT registration certificate
is unchallenged. The SWISSCERT Mark will give your EMS international
respect and integrity.
You can avail all the benefits of SWISSCERT registration
at a competitive price. If you are currently implementing
an ISO 14001 system, feel free to request for quote
on-line or contact one
of our representative who will be able to answer your
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